Latest News: Manage your ESG strategy with BlueKanGo

Rely on BlueKanGo to manage your ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) strategy. The platform allows and facilitates the collection, analysis and processing of your data to comply with the sustainability reporting requirements and obligations, particularly the new European directive CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).

The CSRD is the new directive adopted and defined by the European Commission to harmonise the ESG disclosure framework (formerly NFRD). The directive will come into force gradually between 2024 and 2028 for all large companies and SMEs with more than 250 employees. More than 50 000 companies will now be concerned, when it was only 11 000 companies under the NFRD. New standards related to the three pillars of ESG are being developed at this very moment that will allow companies to develop their short, medium and long-term strategy.

The (draft) versions of these standards (ESRS and IFRS S1&S2) are already integrated into BlueKanGo. Suppose you are in charge of CSR, the EHS management, or in a financial department. In that case, you can already anticipate and check for gaps with the requirements of these standards, analyse your data and implement the necessary changes and actions to already comply with the new standards thanks to our dedicated application (ESG standards assessments ESRS vs IFRS S1 & S2 matching application).

BlueKanGo also helps you compile your ESG data to comply with the standards’ requirements and prepare the future sustainability report (formerly also known as the non-financial report). The BlueKanGo platform will be of great help in managing your ESG strategy and complying with the new requirements. Our new ESG management by the Board of Directors and the Executive Team application will help you manage your ESG strategy and choose the criteria according to your activity.

To go further

> Download our ESG Guide The New ESG Journey Explained: Targets, Reports, Scoring, etc.

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