Quality and HSE guide for 2018 (Free download)

Quality and HSE services digital transformation is a real challenge for companies! It consists in dematerializing all processes, both internal and external. An inescapable revolution which needs to be done in depth if you want to remain competitive…

Once this observation is made, many questions still remain unanswered; How to do it? Who are the actors of this change? In everyday terms, what are the impacts for EHSQ services?

Finally, a guide for Quality and HSE managers and directors is now online, issued by BlueKango’s digitalization experts. A 34-page document that provides best practices for a successful transition, available for free download.

Among the topics covered

  • Who is the architect of digital transformation?
  • Three arguments to convince your general management to free your company of Excel
  • Implicit digital transformation in ISO standards
  • Digitalizing risk management: beyond analysis methods
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